
Car stereo

Speaker layout is very important criteria. . Each instrument sounds , you can achieve the best results in the replay . This is often called a professional Hi - Fi ( High Definition High Definition ) . Ideal Hi - Fi effect , the key is to make the sound source signals of the same synchronization and frequency bands magnifications . Home audio is Bluetooth Speaker not difficult. Since the home audio -frequency units at the same high school all the fixed frame and the same music signal amplifier , consistent with the reduction ratio is relatively easy to achieve a good balance of quality . However , due to different car audio installation location , subwoofer unit usually only installed in the luggage compartment , the bass is generally only be installed in front of the car unit , the tweeter is usually installed in the vicinity of the A-pillar . This effect may be just to hear the treble and bass from behind the same month , the Alto section is relatively weak. In Computer Speaker addition , for different modules and power amplifier requirements , in general, can take a variety of car audio amplifiers to drive speakers ( many designs require amplified by the low-frequency part of multiple amplifiers ) , so tonal balance is difficult to achieve a satisfactory level . Address some of these challenges factors involved , the number and installation arrangement of the speakers is the key .


Speaker Volume

Can determine the distribution of sound fine point , a small roughness more . Advanced than the average number of ordinary vehicles car horn speakers. Installation location often affect car stereo speakers sound effects , speakers will produce different effects in different mounting positions the same two companies , the installation bookshelf speaker location must be high-class cars stereo speakers through a variety of tests to determine it. By the number of speakers with the correct installation experience and skills to cope with the mounting position of different bandwidth speakers , good direction , adjust power amplifier compatible technologies , and ultimately to achieve good results . Installation layout from a professional point of view on the Hi - Fi direct impact effect , with high-fidelity sound excellent balance ( feeling front sound effects ) through the front sound field effect , the position of the sound field ( the effects of different sources in the field, can be positioned accuracy ) , the sense of Bluetooth Speaker space ( spatial acoustics feel about bass response ) , playback effects ( reduction fidelity sound ) , ( voice, tone and image quality results ) audio-visual effects , respectively. Good acoustic positioning ( staging ) is largely dependent on the set before the cab cab tweeter and midrange unit provided around . Because the human auditory system is mainly in the audio portion of the sound wave reaches has left ear position of the sound source rate . Pillars of a tweeter and a speaker mounted on the front near the middle point of installation only achieve coordination frequently matched to form a coherent , coordinated sound source . Taking into account the audience's left and right stereo angle is also stereo speakers , as the case may be, the position of double counting precise adjustments to make to achieve a good car audio sound field positioning. Therefore , the effect of the car speakers for car stereo layout is very important.


Electric loudspeaker

The electric speaker diaphragm vibrates force is magnetic force of the current carrying conductor , we call this effect the electric force effect transducer , the size specified by the following formula :
F = B L i
Where : B is the magnetic flux density in the gap (intensity ) , in units of N / (Am) < N / ( ampere meters ) > also known as Tesla (T)
L is the length of the coil wire , the unit: m
i is the current flowing through the coil unit: Ampere
F is the magnetic force on the Computer Speaker voice coil units : Newton
However , the force in the movement of the voice coil is energized , while the magnetic gap due to the magnetic field will cut line so as to generate an induced electromotive force in the voice coil , we call this effect electric transducer electrical effects , the size of the Wooden Computer Speaker induced electromotive force :
е = Вiν
Where : v is the voice coil vibration velocity in units of : m / s
е electromotive force induced in the coil , the unit is : V
Electrodynamic loudspeaker force effect and electrical effects are simultaneously present, accompanied by the line .


Diagnostic speaker

When the horn button , you can view or view the lights with a multimeter to see if there is no power to the speaker terminals of the flow channel , and if there is current to the terminals , but the horn did not sound , the use of the adjusting nut inside the horn to adjust :

1 , will adjust the speaker screw fixing nut loosen , then turn about adjusting nut . Direction of rotation will vary depending on the speaker 's function varies , it is difficult to say which side to turn to , but you must rotate a little bit, and then try to see the horn , and then further rotation .

2, in the best place to trumpet the fixed adjustment nut.

3, the fixing nut of the screw in place.

4 , if the volume is insufficient, connect the speakers to the measured voltage at the terminals , and the battery voltage is compared , if the voltage is low , then, to view the connection point and line wiring .
After more testing, the situation does not sound the horn can be basically solved, usually pay attention to all the contacts and connectors ablation bad problem, opt for the network to remind the speaker fails to seek professional maintenance technicians try to help, do not blindly replace the speaker , the speaker 's choice we should pay attention


Audio harmonic distortion (TMD%)

There are a variety of speaker distortion, a common harmonic distortion (caused by the multi-speaker distortion field inhomogeneity and vibration system, often produced at low frequencies),Multimedia Speaker intermodulation distortion (due to the two signals of different frequencies while adding speakers, sound quality deterioration caused by mutual modulation) and transient distortion (due to the inertia of the vibration system can not keep up with changes in the signal changes, causing signal distortion) and so on. Multimedia Speaker When harmonic distortion is reproduced in harmonic components of the original signal not. Harmonic distortion of the speaker from the uniform magnetic field, the characteristics of the diaphragm, displacement of the coil of nonlinear distortion. Currently, the preferred harmonic distortion index of not more than 5% of speakers.


How to repair a Car Speaker

Speaker does not ring or hoarseness mainly due to lack of power with battery save , horn relay and buttons damaged, bookshelf computer speaker to the speaker and so on. Follows :

1, check the horn chirp , if the song does not feel crisp , low and weak , mostly poor contact .

2 , repeatedly pressing the horn switch , if the horn sounds sometimes , sometimes not ringing, press contacts , mostly bad contact switch inside .

3 , turn the steering wheel left and right , if there is a large " hissing" sound of friction , you can contact the relevant Multimedia Speaker of the injection of some grease.

4, if the speaker does not sound completely , it may be a fuse is blown , you should check the relevant fuse . It may be a problem with the speaker 's power cord . Find the speaker 's power cord , plug the detachable power cord wiring a check for poor contact .

5, if the horn chirp boring, there is likely to be the speaker 's own fault , then just knocked speakers, most of them can be improved. Mostly due to poor contact plugs , especially various contacts around the steering wheel , because frequent use , easy to make contacts to wear.

6 , Mifengbuyan easy to damp , although the internal speaker is closed, but if Mifengbuyan wash the interior space into a mist or water vapor in the air , moisture vapor can easily lead to contacts does not work .

7 , the work of the speaker in the car low , and the work on the battery , if the battery 's energy is reduced , then the sound of the horn is also reduced , to check the battery charge capacity is normal.


Speaker parameters

Refers to the speaker using a dedicated test system to test out various performance parameters of the bookshelf computer speaker specific value of its common parameters include :. Z, Fo, η0, SPL, Qts, Qms, Qes, Vas, Mms, Cms, Sd, BL, Xmax, Gap gauss. these are the physical meaning of these types of arguments
Z: is the resistance value of the speakers , including: Rated impedance and DC resistance . ( Unit: ohm / ohm), usually refers to the nominal impedance of the speaker 's rated impedance Z: is the minimum impedance value of the first great behind the curve impedance modulus value , which is calculated on the basis of the DC electric power speaker impedance DCR:. refers to the voice coil stationary, through a DC signal, and test out the impedance value we usually call is 4 ohms or 8 ohms . refers to the nominal impedance.
Fo ( lowest resonance frequency ) is the bookshelf speaker impedance curve corresponding to the first maximum frequency unit : Hertz (Hz) speaker impedance curves under normal operating conditions, the measurement method or constant voltage constant current speaker Law was the speaker impedance modulus versus frequency curve.
η0 ( speaker efficiency ) : refers to the speaker output acoustic power and input power ratio .
SPL ( sound pressure level ) : refers to the speaker impedance in the pass 1W of power at rated power voltage, and speakers away from the reference axis sound pressure generated on the point of 1m units : decibels (dB).
Qts: total quality speakers due to value.
Qms: mechanical quality factor values ​​speakers .
Qes: speaker quality factor values ​​.
Vas ( Speaker of the effective volume ) : refers to the volume of air in a sealed container in a rigid acoustic -acoustic speaker unit along with equal units : liters (L).
Mms ( moving mass ) : refers to the quality of the speakers participating in the sum of the components of vibration during movement , including the paper part of the drum , voice coil , playing the waves and vibrations involved in air quality and other units : g (gram).
Cms ( force along ) : refers to the supple -degree speaker vibration system support components of the greater its value , the speaker of the whole vibration system softer units : mm / Newton (mm / N).
Sd ( vibration area ) : refers to the process of the speaker vibration , the effective vibration area drum paper / diaphragm unit: square meter (m2).
BL ( magnetic ) : gap magnetic flux density and the product of the effective coil length units :. (T * M).
Xmax: Voice coil motion during vibration linear stroke unit: millimeter (mm).
Gap Gauss: gap magnetic flux density value unit: Tesla (Tesla).


The speaker must be good at use all kinds of methods of expression

The speaker must be good at use all kinds of Multimedia Speaker of expression. The speaker to the audience to understand his own ideas, with their own emotional resonance, this means in addition to the use of language, but also is good at using various means of expression. There are three kinds of expression: facial expression, posture expression and verbal expression. These three expression plays a very important role in interpersonal communication. From facial expression for, should be accord with natural and abound change, a smile, the same conditions, and the content of the speech and, pay particular attention to play to the role of the eyes, do use eyes to speak. From the posture expression, main should be able to match the content of the speech use all kinds of gestures, it'll be the first to explore the effects of all kinds of hand gestures. In general, natural and smooth bookshelf computer speaker can help the speaker calmly, sharp, powerful gestures can help the speaker's heart sublimation, safe and subtle gestures can help the speaker shows palpitations. Verbal expression is mainly refers to the tone of the high and low speed, speed, sound is the medium of the speaker and the audience, the speaker must be good at combining the content and the reaction of the audience, let feelings decided to voice change ups and downs, achieve the goal of "to love" and tightly attracted the attention of the audience.


Car horn repairs

Speaker is not the main reason for the ring or voice hoarse with insufficient battery to save electricity, horn relay and buttons damage, damage to the speaker, and so on. Specific as follows:
1, check the speakers' chirp, if feel singing is not clear, deep and weak, contact of mostly poor contact.
2, repeatedly Wireless Speaker the horn switch, if the horn honk sometimes, sometimes not ringing, mostly push switch internal contact contact is not good.About 3, turn the steering wheel, if there is a larger friction "hiss" sound, you can ask the relevant contact parts some grease injection.
4, if the speaker doesn't ring, first check the fuse to see whether the fuse, then unplug the speaker plug, when the horn switch is measured with a multimeter here whether there is electricity. Without electricity, should check the horn harness and horn relay; If there is electricity, it is a problem of the horn itself, this is also can try to adjust the horn on the adjusting nut to see if you can, if or not, you will need to Wooden Computer Speaker the horn.
5, if the speaker's chirp depressing, is likely to be the speaker's own fault, as long as you knock speaker at this moment, most can be improved. Joint is poor contact, especially the line around the steering wheel, due to the use of frequent, easily lead to wear and tear.
6, untight seal is easy be affected with damp be affected with damp, though the internal speakers is airtight, but if the untight seal to wash the car, easy to enter the fog or internal space have water vapor in the air, water vapor is easy to cause contact be affected with damp be affected with damp and not work properly.
7, horn work at low speed in cars, related to the performance of the battery, if the battery energy is reduced, the trumpet sound less, to check whether the battery storage capacity is normal.In addition, in the horn button, can use a multimeter or view lamp to check, check the electric current to the speaker terminals, if there is current to the terminal, but the speaker did not ring


The rated impedance (Ω)

Impedance is refers to the vehicle speakers the ratio of the input signal of voltage and current, the units of ohms (Ω). Popular said impedance is car speakers to present the current resistance and bookshelf computer speaker is not equal to the resistance, but including resistance and reactance, which include the resistance and inductance and capacitance impedance and capacitive reactance of three parts, is the sum of the three on the vector.
Under the same voltage, impedance is smaller, the higher the current impedance is lower, the greater the current. In power amplifier and Multimedia Speaker power of the same circumstances, low impedance car speakers can obtain larger output power, but impedance is too low and can lead to owe the phenomenon such as damping and bass degradation. In general, the lower the car speaker impedance, and the more difficult to drive. Impedance is not a constant value, but by the frequency on the music and the changing of play, may be in a high frequency to more than a dozen ohms or 20 ohms, may also be at a low frequency to a ohm or below, generally at its resonant frequency between the formant of minimum impedance value as its nominal value. At present, most of the car speaker impedance is 2-8 ohms. Speaker impedance optimization value of national standard in our country there are 4 Ω, 8 Ω, 16 Ω (international standard recommended value for 8 Ω).