
Diagnostic speaker

When the horn button , you can view or view the lights with a multimeter to see if there is no power to the speaker terminals of the flow channel , and if there is current to the terminals , but the horn did not sound , the use of the adjusting nut inside the horn to adjust :

1 , will adjust the speaker screw fixing nut loosen , then turn about adjusting nut . Direction of rotation will vary depending on the speaker 's function varies , it is difficult to say which side to turn to , but you must rotate a little bit, and then try to see the horn , and then further rotation .

2, in the best place to trumpet the fixed adjustment nut.

3, the fixing nut of the screw in place.

4 , if the volume is insufficient, connect the speakers to the measured voltage at the terminals , and the battery voltage is compared , if the voltage is low , then, to view the connection point and line wiring .
After more testing, the situation does not sound the horn can be basically solved, usually pay attention to all the contacts and connectors ablation bad problem, opt for the network to remind the speaker fails to seek professional maintenance technicians try to help, do not blindly replace the speaker , the speaker 's choice we should pay attention

